Monday 25 January 2010

Sayuki Matsumoto wonderful gravure idol: 2010-01-25


Here she is - this is what she looks like! If you like these pictures, her 'Kiss' DVD is what you might like to buy. I link to it on previous posts. She is so natural in front of the camera.

Sayuki Matsumoto picture gallery and YouTube links: 2010-01-25

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Friday 8 January 2010

The most beautiful Matsumoto Sayuki. 2010-01-08.

The most beautiful Matsumoto Sayuki
Posted 8th January 2010 at 19:09
by Dave.

I liked Sayuki from the first time I saw one of her video clips on YouTube. However, I was taken by surprise later when seeing her 'Kiss' DVD. She was much more fine in her appearance that I had initially realised. Initially, I thought she was great because her face reminded me of someone that I knew slightly - but now I don't see the resemblance any more. Sayuki is as good as I could imagine. Some of her YouTube clips gave a hint that she had a cheerful personalty and friendly nature. I was going to link to many of these clips but some are no longer on YouTube, maybe because of copyright issues. That is really silly, because it was seeing her on YouTube that made me decide to order her DVD and two books all the way from to the UK. There is lack of imagination among these intellectual property obsessives. How many times have you bought a music album on vinyl or CD after a friend lent you a taped copy, technically an infringement of copyright? Many times is usually the answer. These copyright freaks are very shortsighted!

Here are a few of my favourite pictures of Sayuki from the 'Kiss' DVD. They are just single frames from my favourite parts of the video. To me, she is not just a busty idol from Japan - she is a mischievous, funny, exceedingly beautiful person from the other side of the world who really ought to be a television star because of her outgoing personality, sense of humour and her confidence and style. Maybe she will end up on TV as a chat show or game show host or children's TV presenter - or maybe that's not her cup of tea. She is a natural in front of the camera, especially in moving pictures. I have two of her books so far: 'BIBIR' and 'Eden' - and they are great. 'Eden' is featured in the outrageously funny Captain Bonita TV clip that was recently on YouTube but has now disappeared. The Japanese have lovely presentations in their photographic books and we never have things like this in the Western world that feature one person in a whole book. But who cares? I would rather see the Japanese books anyway. It's a glimpse into another culture and the girls seem to have a charm not often found over here. I guess it's a Japanese or east Asian quality because a lot of the gravure idol models have this charm.

According to some references, the name "Sayuki" means "transparent happiness." Isn't that strange? That is exactly what Sayuki Matsumoto is like! She gives that good feeling to the people who see her DVDs, that's for sure. I have also heard to her referred to as Yuki and her name translates as 'Snow' or 'Snow child'. This makes sense because she was born in December. That is really kind of a romantic name to have for a girl. Maybe if I ever have a daughter, I will call her 'Yuki', even if she is English!

If you want to see more, you should try ordering the 'Kiss' DVD from Japan. I found to be a good place to order Sayuki books and DVDs. I would like to get a Sayuki calendar for 2010 but I haven't seen one available. I did see a picture of a 2007 Sayuki calendar on the internet but maybe she is not yet of supermodel status to have one printed every year. Come on Japan. Sayuki is sensational!

The page for this 'Kiss' DVD is here:
松本さゆき Kissで殺して [DVD] ~ 松本さゆき (DVD - 2008)
The product information includes this disclaimer, but the DVD from Japan works on my Dell computer here in the UK:
"Region: Region 2 (This DVD will probably NOT be viewable in other countries.)"

How appropriate. We have a power cut here in my town in the middle of Winter. It is freezing outside and I am now typing to the light of the computer screen and cooking my dinner using tea lights to see where the food is!